About Us

Welcome to Connect Rwanda!

Connect Rwanda’s primary objectives are to bring technology to the classrooms of Rwandan, promote teacher growth and cultural understanding through collaboration, and to foster goodwill in the World.

We are a charitable 501(c)3 organization, located in Annapolis, Maryland USA. In Rwanda, we implement our various programs including Annapolis/Rwanda teacher collaborations trips, computer, & technology resource training and donation program, and pen pal writing programs for elementary aged students. In Annapolis we are in local schools educating students about Rwanda; it’s progress, history, and leadership.

The incredible generosity of the Annapolis community has made Connect Rwanda possible. Individuals and families make up almost all of the support here at Connect Rwanda.  Additionally, organizations, businesses, and churches have contributed generously. Thank you, Annapolis High School, the International Baccalaureate of Anne Arundel County’s Public Schools, First Presbyterian Church, St. Mary’s School of Annapolis, CPR Media Solutions, and Annapolis OB-GYN for making these global connections possible.

Our all-volunteer staff is made up of experienced dedicated professionals, all with experience in Rwanda.

Our team members


Why Rwanda?

This tiny country in the middle of Africa is quickly becoming a true travel destination. Take a quick ride up and down the paved roads of Kigali, its Capital and what you notice right off is the incredibly clean roadways. But step down out of your car, or off of one of its many moto-taxis, and talk with its people. For the most part, they are happy and content, and you can hear the pride in their voices when talking about their country. And nowhere in Africa is it safer. Check the statistics on safety, Rwanda was just ranked 9th safest place in the World for “safety” (Source WEF 2016). Incredible progress given its recent past.

It’s refreshing to find leadership that doesn’t tolerate corruption and is rated one of the easiest places in the World to start a business. It’s 60% + of women in parliament is one of the highest in the World, and Rwanda also rates top environmentally.  Yes, Rwanda looks to shake the image of its horrific genocide 23 years ago and, their reconciliation programs have been called a model for the World.  Commemoration week, where the country closes down, and memorialization ceremonies are non-stop. Mandated national remembrance, a week full of tears and reaffirmations, meetings of victims and perpetrators have netted incredible results, and Rwanda has all but eliminated tribal affiliations. “We are all one Rwanda,” the school children will tell you wherever you go.

Unfortunately, Rwanda was not blessed with unlimited resources and has a relatively small GDP however, their leaders are focused, disciplined and allocate the resources they do have in a logical manner. “Our people will be the resource,” their president Paul Kagame has said many times. Here at Contact Rwanda, we admire the President, and the progress his leadership has brought. Help us, help Rwanda. Through our donated computer program we can bring technology directly to the teachers. Monetary donations help with other supplies and our Teacher Collaboration Program. Our simple pen pal program requires no funding whatsoever, but the results are both incredibly heartwarming, and at times wonderfully amusing.

Help Out

Connect Rwanda is a 501(c)3 organization who is full of volunteers making a positive difference in a country that is making all of the right decisions. And it is not only Rwanda that is benefiting, look no further than young U.S. 6th grader trying to decipher what their Rwandan counterpart student is attempting to convey. Or show up at Dulles Airport as a U.S. teacher disembarks from the airplane after a 6-week teacher collaboration adventure to Kigali – despite a  20-hour plane ride.  The warm smile and lifetime memories speak volumes to the power of what Connect Rwanda is accomplishing. Please help out! Penpals, Teacher Collaboration, Used Computer Programs, or just make a donation.

Your help and support are very much appreciated.